We are three Latin Americans, Salomé and Karla from Ecuador and Natalia from Brazil, who live in Italy, the United States and England. Along with Naomie from the USA, and Alessia from Italy, we share the passion for food, natural products and the desire to live in a more sustainable world. We want to share with you our life experiences, projects, hopes and dreams as we discover the food system together. The world we live in is full of contradictions, hunger and obesity, waste and starvation, excessive wealth and extreme poverty ... Join us in the search for explanations, initiatives, recipes and people that will guide this journey of change.
We are people like you, who want a better future for our society and who believe that little changes can, if we join efforts, change the world!
María Salomé Gachet Otáñez is an analytical chemistry from Quito, Ecuador. She moved to Zurich, Switzerland to investigate environmental pollutants in the air. Then, she moved to Graz-Austria, where she completed her doctoral studies (title of Doctor rerum naturalium) investigating plants traditionally used in Ecuador to treat leishmaniasis (a tropical disease). Afterwards, she carried out two postdoctoral studies (research stages at the Universities of Innsbruck (Austria) and Bern (Switzerland)) in Pharmacognosy (1 year) and Biochemistry (4.5 years). Then, Salomé moved to Milan-Italy, where she rediscovered her passion for food, agriculture and sustainability. She is currently working on projects related to scientific dissemination. Milan is a fascinating city to start innovative projects from the bottom up, as citizens organize themselves and, with the support of the authorities, act to solve various problems. Many people share knowledge and time. With her scientific experience, Salomé wants to share that "the best medicine is prevention and the best way to prevent it is through good, clean and fair food, ”true food”. But not only in terms of our health, food interconnects society, the environment and the economy, food can change the world for the better!

Natalia Zanuto originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil obtained her Bachelor in Business Administration and later specialized in Strategic Marketing and Service Design. She has been working for the past six years in the field of e-commerce, developing marketing and communication strategies and, organizing event campaigns in Sao Paolo, Brazil. She lived almost two years in Milan before moving to London almost in 2018. In London, she works in strategic communication for a large multinational company and is launching her company. She is passionate about healthy food and natural cosmetics. She believes that we can all contribute in building a better world through more informed choices. Natalia is convinced that spreading awareness thought social media in a clear and solutions driven way will promote the change towards a healthier and fairer food system.

Naomie Bautista currently lives in Fogelsville, a small city close to Philadelphia in the United States. She has her undergraduate degree in Biology and her Master's Degree in Teaching with a focus on Adolescence Biology and a concentration in Conservation Life Science. Naomie is passionate about spreading awareness for ways in which we can all help to make the planet a healthier and more sustainable place to live while being able to enjoy life and live to the fullest.

Karla Gachet is a photojournalist born in Quito, Ecuador. She currently lives near the City of Angels in the United States where she works freelance. She has published her work in magazines worldwide and also two books. Her work has been awarded in competitions such as World Press Photo POY and POYi Latin America. She, together with her husband also photographer Ivan Kashinsky, created the collective Runa Photos (2011) a platform for documentary photography. Karla believes in the power of photography to inform and share the lives of people and cultures. She wants to share with us small parts of some stories through food images that connect food with society while we discover together the current food system.

Alessia Miranti lives in Milan. She comes from a small village near Torino where summers pass by with tomatoes salads, melons and courgettes from the family veggie gardens. She studied Environmental Law and Policy at University College London and currently practices as a public environmental lawyer. She advises on any matter relating to waste and water management, contaminated soil remediation, environmental permitting regimes and chemical and hazardous substances. Recently, she focuses on the regulation of household waste, notably bio-waste, and treatment options. Alessia does not like to eat out and hates the current obsession about food “which in Milan gets higher as the food gets worse”. She cannot really cook anything worth eating but highly appreciates tasty, varied and little processed food.