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Growing food in a regenerative way, reconnects us with nature and people. Let’s acknowledged the importance of farmers and land.
Our environmental footprint (natural resources consumed) has overpass the recovery capacity of the earth (biocapacity). Let's understand how this connects to food.
We are what we eat. If we eat healthy, very likely, we will be healthy. But what is healthy food considering the diversity of people and cultures? Let’s read!
Humanity needs a food system that better sustains our bodies, environment, and communities. Food can be part of the solution because interconnects with the land, water, biodiversity, energy, health, global warming and migration.
A Healing Garden
Today I will tell you about a project I worked on last year: the design and maintenance of a small “nature-friendly garden” within the Vittore … Continue reading “A Healing Garden”
Macambo as a solution. Chapter 2: Creating community
We told you in a previous post about the potential that Macambo seeds (a cousin of cacao) have to become a nutritious and delicious food … Continue reading “Macambo as a solution. Chapter 2: Creating community”
Community-supported agriculture
In June we had the opportunity to spend 10 days in Siena, a beautiful city full of traditions in Tuscany (Italy). Looking for a place … Continue reading “Community-supported agriculture”